Install and configure Agones on Kubernetes

Instructions for creating a Kubernetes cluster and installing Agones.

Usage Requirements

Supported Container Architectures

The following container operating systems and architectures can be utilised with Agones:

OS Architecture Support
linux amd64 Stable
linux arm64 Alpha
windows amd64 Alpha

For all the platforms in Alpha, we would appreciate testing and bug reports on any issue found.

Agones and Kubernetes Supported Versions

Each version of Agones supports a specific version of Kubernetes. When a new version of Agones supports a new version of Kubernetes, it is explicitly called out in the release notes.

The following table lists recent Agones versions and their corresponding required Kubernetes versions:

Agones version Kubernetes version
1.29 1.24
1.28 1.23
1.27 1.23
1.26 1.23
1.25 1.22
1.24 1.22
1.23 1.22
1.22 1.21
1.21 1.21

Best Practices

Separation of Agones from GameServer nodes

When running in production, Agones should be scheduled on a dedicated pool of nodes, distinct from where Game Servers are scheduled for better isolation and resiliency. By default Agones prefers to be scheduled on nodes labeled with and tolerates the node taint If no dedicated nodes are available, Agones will run on regular nodes.

Create Kubernetes Cluster

Instructions for creating a Kubernetes cluster to install Agones on.

Install Agones

Install Agones in your existing Kubernetes cluster.

Deploy Kubernetes cluster and install Agones using Terraform

Install a Kubernetes cluster and Agones declaratively using Terraform.

Confirming Agones Installation

Verify Agones is installed and has started successfully.

Upgrading Agones and Kubernetes

Strategies and techniques for managing Agones and Kubernetes upgrades in a safe manner.

Last modified January 12, 2023: commits for 1.29.0-rc (#2899) (8726ce8c4)